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A Thinkery & Verse Production

Directed by: Karen Alvarado

Scenic Design: Ashley Basile

Costume Design: Liza Alexis



Thou Shalt Not

A stage-play that re-imagines the Halls-Mills double homicide of 1922, preformed in the church where the slain Reverend and Choir Singer both worked and worshiped

Thou Shalt Not
Thou Shalt Not
Thou Shalt Not
Thou Shalt Not
Thou Shalt Not

Please visit the Thinkery & Verse website to continue your dive into the Mystery of Thou Shalt Not!

Thinkery & Verse alongside Butch Mermaid Productions are working hard during COVID-19, providing safe and socially distant entertainment via Geo-Cache and online interactive adventures!

During these scary times any support given to artists like myself and others is not just supporting a small theater company out of New Jersey, but theater in America itself!

If within your means, you can make a tax deductible donation via the Thinkery & Verse website!

Thank you!

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